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Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre
Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre (HNRC) is a hospital providing inpatient neurorehabilitation services. The hospital with more than 100 beds specialises in 3 major fields: therapy and rehabilitation of working-age and elderly patients with brain and spinal cord injuries as well as therapy and rehabilitation of children. For example, it has a robot-assisted gait therapy device LokomatPro by Hocoma, a verticalisation robot Erigo, hand rehabilitation system Armeo Spring, an exoskeleton providing powered motion for patients with a spinal cord injury. HNRC is able to assess health products in terms of their quality and usability in a clinical setting. HNRC has a sound quality system – EQUASS and uses the FIM® instrument (Functional Independence Measure). Keyword: Neurorehabilitation
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